Just down the street was a pub-like place and we wandered in thinking it looked like just the sort of casual place we were looking for. After several staff ignored us (we weren't sure if we should go in, or wait to be seated) we set out exploring to try to find the non-smoking area.
Finally, after we had wandered downstairs a guy told us the downstairs was closed for a private party. Midway through this conversation another server came up to him and he abruptly switched conversations and started talking to her. My short fuse had now reached its end so I said "let's go somewhere else" and we did.
And I am glad we did. This was restaurant fate at it's finest. About one block away was another restaurant, so we headed towards it. As soon as we entered I knew we had a hit. The place had low ceilings with big beams covered with kitchen implements and antlery things. The place felt like it was in the middle of the Black Forest.
It turns out it was called Zur Böhmischen Kuchl or The Bohemian Kitchen and was all Czech/German food. Our server was a middle aged , helpful blonde woman who was more than happy to tell us which items were 'traditional' or when I was ordering too much. This was an authentic meal, that was like homemade. Even the older lady in the kitchen rolling out some sort of dough looked authentic.
Lastly, the traditional digestive; Becherovka, it was an herbal liquer, similar to Jagermeister, but lighter and was very warming and enjoyable.
I gave our server my card and told her I was writing about our trip, She took the card and returned with another shot; offered to us 'on the house'. If it was meant to be a bribe for a good review, it wasn't necessary.
I'll go back to the Bohemian Kitchen any day for another meal like the one I had last night.
What a nice dinner!
Zur Böhmischen Kuchl
1080 Wien - Schlösselgasse 18
Tel: +43-1-402 57 31
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