

Towel Day May 25, 2011

Today is the 10th international Towel Day, commemorating the life and works of the writer Douglas Adams. Adams is best known for creating The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a humorous epic set in the very near future about the adventures of an ordinary chap who turns out to be one of the few human survivors after Earth is destroyed to make may for a new intergalactic highway. The Hitchhiker's Guide is a book of advice for interplanetary seekers, and includes the inarguable counsel (familiar to many travelers) to always know the location of your towel. Hitchhiker's Guide (Or H2G2 as it's known to fans) started out as a BBC radio series in the late 1970s, then a series of books, then a TV adaptation. A feature film was released in 2005, four years after Adams' untimely death from a heart attack, aged 49.

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